Title: “XO, Kitty: A Delightful Spinoff Spotlighting the Vibrant Journey of To All The Boys’ Kitty Covey”
The new spinoff TV series, “XO, Kitty,” takes fans on a captivating journey following the beloved character Katherine “Kitty” Song Covey from the “To All The Boys I Loved Before” trilogy. Stepping into the spotlight, Kitty, the precocious and determined younger sister, sets out to pursue her dreams and navigate the ups and downs of life, even if it means enduring heartbreak. With her sights set on the prestigious Korean Independent School of Seoul (KISS) to reconnect with her long-distance boyfriend Dae, Kitty embarks on a path of self-discovery and uncovers intriguing secrets about her mother’s past. The series expertly combines relatable coming-of-age moments, heartwarming exploration of Kitty’s Korean roots, and a touch of mystery, all while embracing feminist and LGBTQ+ themes. “XO, Kitty” offers a fresh perspective, showcasing modern-day Korean culture and featuring an international teen cast. All 10 episodes of this captivating series are now available on Netflix.